Grand Hell Auto: Liberty Hell Stories

I say that, if you find that game, never play it for your own good!
It all started when i was looking for games until i caught GTA:LCS.
I asked cashier and he said: Take it ya, it cost free but ya its bad.
It taked it and went home.
I putted it on my PSP and it StArted.
But something was wrong.
The intro has red-black weather and Toni has blood over his body.
When i got to car, i was supposed to drive to Shoreside Vale, only you can DrIvE into SV after finishing Love On The Rocks.
During driving, i saw lots of dead bodies and no cars.
Static appeared on screen and PSP was BaCk to XmB.
I throwed game away.
ToNi cIpIrAnI iS behinD yOu.